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WhatsApp brings New Text Formatting Option

WhatsApp has now added a new text formatting options. These new options include bulleted lists, numbered lists, block quotes, and inline code. Here’s how to use them.

How to use the latest text formatting options in WhatsApp

Bulleted Lists

The bulleted list format will help the users organise the steps in a detailed way. The format can also be used to highlight the key points in a message. The bulleted point format can be accessed by typing – symbol, followed by a space.

Numbered Lists

The numbered lists format also serves a purpose similar to the bulleted lists. The format can also be used to present a specific order of steps or to present a recap of events. To access the format, type 1 or 2 digits followed by a period and one space.

Block Quote

The block quote format helps the user highlight key text, which helps it stand apart from the rest of the text and catch the attention of the reader. The user can highlight the key text by typing the > symbol followed by a space.

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