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Apple iOS 17: Modification to the update plan

In the coming days, Apple is likely to invite you to WWDC 2023, which is in June, and we anticipate numerous announcements at the event. The software and iOS, which is still Apple’s most popular platform, are always the main focus.

We discovered at the beginning of 2023 that you shouldn’t expect much from iOS 17 and that Apple is more concerned with stability. Numerous people are said to have been recruited to work on realityOS, the new operating system for the first VR headset.

Apple is preparing a significant iOS update:

Yet, the technique for the update has changed from that point forward, as Imprint Gurman says iOS 17 will be a significant update all things considered. This year, there are a lot of “nice to have” features, but the source doesn’t say anything about them in its newsletter.

There isn’t a significant innovation in iOS 17, like the brand-new lock screen, but there are “most requested features.” The update may have been given the codename “Dawn” by Apple.

Apple will most definitely present iOS 17 once more in June at the WWDC, followed by a first beta for developers, a public beta for everyone, and, as always, the major iOS update with the new iPhones in September.

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