OnePlus 6/6T grabbed OxygenOS 10.3.9 along with February 2021 patch update

The OnePlus 6T, being a baton-bearer of the company following the 6, is an amazing smartphone in almost every department. The configuration, amazing set of camera and the superfine display reveal its feature prowess. The battery is decent enough to provide a backup though out the day. The user will need to plug in the charger often if the smartphone is used a lot.

According to the XDA, the OnePlus 6 and the OnePlus 6T smartphone users install the latest OxygenOS software update.

As per the OnePlus official report, the latest software update brings OxygenOS 10.3.9 along with the month old patch – February 2021 security patch update for both devices.

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There is not a lot changes in this update but some changes mention below so you can check as well as the download link also available so if you can’t wait kindly update manually by going device Settings > System > updates and select Local Upgrade from the menu button located in the top right corner and select the downloaded ZIP file.



  • Updated Android Security Patch to 2021.02.
  • Updated GMS package.
  • Fixed known issues and improved system stability.

Download Link:

OxygenOS 10.3.9 for the OnePlus 6

OxygenOS 10.3.9 for the OnePlus 6T

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