If you remember the Chinese official website of Battlefield 2042, there is a top-secret mode in the game mode page. Now, this secret mode has been leaked. According to the well-known uncle Tom Henderson who has accurately leaked Battlefield 2042.
Called Battlehub, it will be the ultimate sandbox experience, and there will be a re-enacted version of the map of the previous Battlefield series of games. Battle Center will use the same engine as Battlefield 2042, so the previous Battlefield content will also enjoy all the improvements that DICE will bring to Battlefield 2042.
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- The Battle Center will not have any traditional career system. Instead, the mode will use experts.
- Battle Center and Hazard zone support separate downloads, this is to save the player’s hard disk space.
- The Battle Center will be updated with the Battle Pass.
- Some re-enacted maps may not support 128 people.
According to the official website, DICE stated that the Top Secret mode (Battle Center) is “a love letter to core fans and a new way to play Battlefield is coming. We will show the details on EA Play Live on July 22. , Explore the novel battles brought about by this game experience, and go deep into the vast universe of the “Battlefield” series.”
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