Rainbow Six: Alien in-app purchase items leaked skins, accessories, and bundles

Although Rainbow Six: Alien has skipped tickets to January next year, the game’s technical testing is still going on as scheduled. The YouTube channel BigfryTV recently shared a screenshot of the in-app purchase project of Color Six: Alien in the test, similar to Siege, the premium currency in the game is called Credits. The purchase amount ranges from US$9.99 to US$49.99. It can be used to purchase various bundles, operator skins, weapon skins, weapon pendants and other decorations.

In the screenshot, you can see that there are many sci-fi and samurai-themed operator skins in the store. In addition to Credits, there may also be an in-game currency used to purchase some skins. These currencies may be unlocked by completing certain achievements or challenges.

As for more details, we will have to wait for the official release of the game in the next few months. Rainbow Six: Alien is expected to be available on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC in January 2022. Posted on.

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