Google Assistant now partners with Reese’s Book Club

The book club run by Reese Witherspoon is preparing to expand its audience thanks to a new partnership with Google that allows devices based on Google Assistant to offer a unique reading experience. This synergy will allow users to access Reese Witherspoon’s monthly book picks, exclusive commentary on each book, and even personalized recommendations. To try this new feature, just say Ok Google, read with Reese’s Book Club when a smart speaker, smart display or smartphone is listening.

Thanks to this collaboration, Google Assistant will help users discover Reese’s monthly book choices and answer a quick quiz to get personalized recommendations, plus they will have access to exclusive comments from Reese Witherspoon herself on each book.

Members of Reese’s Book Club will be able to link their account with Google’s server, but will also can sign in with their Google account. To read the recommended books you can go to Google Play Books and buy a copy and if there are already several books on your reading list, you can also add the recommended ones to a stack to keep track of all the ones you want to read.

Reese Witherspoon is excited to make Reese’s Book Club available to Google Assistant users around the world. Reese’s Book Club integration into Google Assistant will be available in all English-speaking countries around the world. For more information on Reese’s Book Club, you can visit the official website or install the app through the Google Play Store using the badge below.

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