Google’s Gboard is one of the most known and appreciated keyboards in the Android world and, through its Emoji Kitchen function, it allows users to indulge themselves by creating nice emoji combinations directly while typing and then sharing them in their favorite apps.
Today, therefore, we are not talking about the deep customizations of Gboard, nor about the changes brought about by the Material You. Instead, let’s take a closer look at all the announced novelties of the Emoji Kitchen of the Google keyboard.
As we have seen in recent days, Google has announced the arrival of 1,500 new stickers that can be created through Gboard’s Emoji Kitchen. Before seeing the complete list and some practical examples of the innovations introduced by Google, it is useful to make a clarification: the Emoji Kitchen is, in other words, a tool available in Gboard that automatically creates stickers resulting from the combination of two different emojis typed by the user.
The combinations are created from time to time and up to now, there have been over fifteen thousand. Creating them is very simple: just insert a first emoji, such as Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes (😍); at this point Gboard automatically suggests combinations, but the user is free to choose another emoji to create the desired sticker. Once you have obtained the desired result, just tap on the sticker to insert it into the app you are using, automatically removing the emojis from the text field.
For the more nostalgic, there is also a little Emoji Kitchen trick to know: if you combine an emoji with that of the magic wand (🪄), you get the classic Google blob in the form of a sticker. The function is not usable in all applications for Android, but there are still many that allow you to do so and include popular apps such as Google Messages, Facebook Messenger, Telegram and WhatsApp.
Gboard: latest news in Google’s Emoji Kitchen
In September 2021, Google announced a bunch of new additions, totaling over 1,500 possible new stickers. Here are the new supported emojis and some undoubtedly particular creations:
- Cityscape 🏙
- Cityscape at Dusk 🌆
- Sunset 🌇
- Night with Stars 🌃
- Strawberry 🍓
- Bread 🍞
- Baguette Bread 🥖
- Unicorn 🦄
- Carousel Horse 🎠
- Goat 🐐
- Fish 🐟
- Fishing Pole 🎣
- Bird 🐦
- Feather 🪶
- Bear 🐻
- Teddy Bear 🧸
Emoji Kitchen by Gboard is only for Android
Officially, Gboard’s Emoji Kitchen function is exclusive to the Android app, so nothing to do for users with iOS devices. In truth, there is a solution: the creators of the feature Jennifer Daniel and Bhavik Singh have put online a version that works on iOS via browser at Users can create the stickers and download them as images, but the list is less complete and up-to-date and not quite the same.
Emoji Kitchen: Complete list of working emojis
Given the many possible combinations, it can be useful to know which emojis can be used in Gboard’s Emoji Kitchen. Here are all the compatible ones divided by category.
- Grinning
- Beaming Face
- Face with Tears of Joy
- Smile
- Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes
- Grinning Face with Sweat
- Grinning Squinting Face
- Smiling Face with Halo
- Smiling Face with Horns
- Angry Face with Horns
- Winking Face
- Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes
- Face Savoring Food
- Relieved Face
- Face with Heart Eyes
- Face with Sunglasses
- Smirking Face
- Neutral Face
- Expressionless Face
- Unamused Face
- Downcast Face with Sweat
- Pensive Face
- Frown
- Blush
- Confused Face
- Confounded Face
- Kissing Face
- Face Blowing a Kiss
- Kissing Face with Smiling Eyes
- Kissing Face with Closed Eyes
- Smiling Face with 3 Hearts
- Yawning Face
- Smiling Face with Tear
- Face with Tongue
- Winking Face with Tongue
- Squinting Face with Tongue
- Disappointed Face
- Worried Face
- Angry Face
- Red Angry Face
- Face with Tear
- Persevering Face
- Triumph Face
- Sad but Relieved Face
- Frowning Face with Open Mouth
- Anguished Face
- Fearful Face
- Weary Face
- Sleepy Face
- Tired Face
- Grimacing Face
- Loudly Crying Face
- Open Mouth
- Cold Sweat
- Face Screaming in Fear
- Astonished
- Flushed Face
- Sleeping Face
- Dizzy Face
- Dizzy Face with Spiral
- No Mouth Face
- Face in the
- Face with Mask
- Partying Face
- Woozy Face
- Hot Face
- Cold Face
- Disguised Face
- Pleading Face
- Face with Monocle
- Slightly Frowning Face
- Slightly Smiling Face
- Upside Down Face
- Rolling Eyes Face
- Face with Zippered Mouth
- Money-Mouth Face
- Face with Thermometer
- Nerd Face
- Thinking Face
- Face with Head Bandage
- Robot
- Hugging Face
- Cowboy
- Clown
- Nauseated Face
- Rolling on the Floor Laughing Face
- Drooling Face
- Lying Face
- Sneezing Face
- Face with Raised Eyebrow
- Starstruck Face
- Zany Face
- Shushing Face
- Face with Symbols on Mouth
- Face with Hand over Mouth
- Face Vomiting
- Exploding Head
- Mouse
- Rabbit
- Cat
- Snail
- Goat
- Monkey
- Pig
- Octopus
- Bee
- Fish
- Turtle
- Bird
- Koala
- Lion
- Scorpion
- Unicorn
- Bat
- Owl
- Deer
- Hedgehog
- Llama
- Sloth
- Spider
- Teddy Bear
- Mouse Face
- Rabbit Face
- Cat Face
- Monkey Face
- Pig Face
- Bear Face
- Panda Face
- Pig Nose
- Grinning Cat
- Grinning Cat with Tears of Joy
- Smiling Cat
- Cat with Heart Eyes
- Cat with Smirk Face
- Cat with Kissing Face
- Cat with Pouting Face
- Cat with Crying Face
- Cat Screaming with Fear
- See-No-Evil Monkey
- Hear-No-Evil Monkey
- Speak-No-Evil Monkey
- Heart
- Heart Exclamation
- Heart on Fire
- Heart with Bandage
- Beating Heart
- Broken Heart
- Two Hearts
- Sparkling Heart
- Growing Heart
- Heart with Arrow
- Blue Heart
- Green Heart
- Yellow Heart
- Purple Heart
- Black Heart
- White Heart
- Brown Heart
- Orange Heart
- Heart with Ribbon
- Revolving Hearts
- Heart Decoration
- Sunny
- Cloudy
- Snowman
- Snowman without Snow
- Coffee
- Crossbones
- Sparkles
- Snowflake
- Star
- Cityscape
- Night with Stars
- Sunset
- Cityscape at Dusk
- Rainbow
- Globe showing Europe / Africa
- Globe showing Americas
- Globe showing Asia / Australia
- Globe with Meridians
- First Quarter Moon Face
- Last Quarter Moon Face
- Sun with Face
- Glowing Star
- Shooting Star
- Tornado
- Fog
- Hot dog
- Evergreen Tree
- Cactus
- Hot Pepper
- Tulip
- Cherry Blossom
- Rose
- Blossom
- Lemon
- Pineapple
- Strawberry
- Bread
- Fork and Knife
- Fork and Knife and Plate
- Birthday Cake
- Jack-o-Lantern
- Christmas Tree
- Balloon
- Party Popper
- Confetti Ball
- Reminder Ribbon
- Carousel Horse
- Fishing Pole
- Headphones
- Musical Notes
- Musical Notes
- Musical Score