The latest macOS version of Microsoft Office ushered in a new feature to filter emails by category

Microsoft has released a new Office Insider Preview Build 16.54.21092901 for the insiders of the current channel. The new Office build brings many new features to Outlook. The new Office version allows users to filter their emails by category, making it easier to find the emails they are looking for. The latest Office update also includes improvements to the Outlook search function.

Outlook search will highlight the most relevant results (best match) based on your query to help you find what you need faster. Sometimes, the best results are found in attachment files or calendar items, so search now These items will also be returned as potential matches in the results, the update log wrote. You can read the full official update log below:

Update Log

Filter Your Mail By Category

This is what you asked for! We have added the ability to filter emails by category in the mailing list, making it easier to delve into and find the emails you are looking for. To use this feature, just click the Filter and Sort icon () in the mailing list, and then select a category from the menu. Selecting a category will produce a list of all the information in that category.

Get The Best Match in Search

Many times, searching your email will produce a long list of results, forcing you to scroll through dozens of messages. Now your Outlook search will highlight the most relevant results (best match) based on your query, helping you find what you need faster. Sometimes the best results are found in an attached file or calendar item, so searches will now also return these items as potential matches in the results.

Search For Files Using Natural Language

File Answer is a good way to quickly find a specific file in Outlook. When searching your email in natural language, this query method returns highly relevant and actionable information about the file. For example, you can search for David’s file; Joni’s marketing plan; Sunil’s PowerPoint; and so on. To update to Office Insider Preview Build, open any Office program and go to File>Account>Update Options>Update Now.

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