Google Pixel still having issues with Netflix in HD

Netflix and other video services require certain requirements for the highest picture quality on mobile devices. But, of all things, Google, as a manufacturer of premium devices, does not adequately solve problems.

Sometimes Google takes a little longer to get rid of annoying errors. This probably also applies to a problem with Netflix, which can no longer be used with higher image quality for some users on Pixel smartphones. For everything over 480p, a copy protection system (Widevine) requires a certain release. This is divided into levels. The highest level enables playback without restrictions with the best image quality.

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Pixel users also complain many months later: The necessary approval for copy protection is missing

Usually the highest Widevine level on expensive devices and the Pixel series is out of the question. It’s available. But since the beginning of the year, there have been various problems within the Pixel range that have resulted in a downgrade to Widevine Level 3. Which in turn prevents you from being able to play Netflix and comparable video services in HD or similar quality.

Google announced in April of that year that they were working on a fix. But nothing seems to have happened so far. To date, comments have surfaced from users like the Pixel 3 that Netflix can’t use HD or higher on their Pixel phone. You do not have the Widevine level sufficient. A user cannot change anything himself, the manufacturer of the device has to react.

For over 10 months: users with complaints in the Google forum

Devices that are only one year old are also affected. This applies, for example, to the Pixel 5, as users note on Reddit. There are even very recent posts from users in the Google forum. There is a post that has been active for ten months and has not only collected 700 approvals but also over 300 comments. That’s quite a chunk.

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