The Reddit forum Battlefield 2042 section management team conducted a communication on Thursday, saying that they are considering temporarily closing the section in response to the frequent unfriendly behavior in the section. The management team wrote: This is just a polite statement, in fact, the trolls in the zone have become very unbearable. The team said that due to the current state of Battlefield 2042, there has been a lot of insulting, harassing, and dirty comments in the zone, which has overwhelmed zone members and developers DICE.
After the team issued a notice that they would no longer tolerate any unkind behavior in the zone, they predicted the next three possibilities for the zone: if the unkind behavior disappeared, the zone would remain open; if the number of unkind behaviors At a certain level, the management team will lock some discussion threads; if the unfriendly behavior increases, the management team will temporarily lock the entire section. The choice is in your hands, the management team wrote. The management team also said that if unfriendly behavior persisted, Reddit moderators could simply ban the game’s entire community.
But after the announcement, many members remained unmoved. Some of the replies still scoffed at the management team and DICE for not allowing the game’s critical voice. One member wrote: Protect cheaters and throw victimized players out of the car. That’s ok. At press time, many posts in the section held similar opinions.
Many posts in the zone also played with selfish expectations stalk, which refers to a deleted tweet by EA communications director Andy McNamara a few days ago: Love you, but your expectations are very selfish It takes a lot of time to plan, design and execute what you want. McNamara responded to players’ criticism of “Battlefield 2042” with this tweet, but then felt inappropriate and deleted the tweet to apologize.
It is conceivable that this tweet is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire, and players who saw Twitter immediately rushed into the discussion forum to post jokes mocking McNamara and DICE for calling players’ expectations selfish. One player said: I really want to return to the previous standings and K/D numbers. I know my expectations are selfish, but I still want it.
McNamara tweeted an apology on January 6 and said that he didn’t make it clear, but the taunts of players obviously won’t stop there. The Battlefield 2042 forum management team is apparently following the lead of Halo Infinite’s December release when the forum was shut down due to a large number of attacks against 343 Industries. But the special area of Battlefield 2042 is still open.