Google continues to step on the gas in the background to improve its own car software. Android Auto expects some innovations, some of which have now appeared again. Coolwalk and Cast.
Some time ago it became apparent that Google was developing an improved user interface for Android Auto. Coolwalk was the internal name. Now this rework is available to the first people on devices. This probably means that a rollout is finally starting after what feels like an eternity. Another surprise is in tow.
Coolwalk for Android Auto: More at a glance
But let’s stay with Coolwalk for now. This is a split-screen that makes Android Auto a little more flexible for the user. On the one hand there is the Maps app and on the other hand we find a media player and the latest notifications. Cool walk can optionally be activated by a button but can be used on all devices or screens. Coolwalk is now available for some users.
In addition, Google revised the arrangement of some keys.
Cast allows phone mirroring
Much more surprising is the new cast function, which is initially available as a beta. The discovery of the Italian colleagues did not bring any definitive knowledge, but that of some Reddit users already. Cast actually enables smartphone screen mirroring to your car’s infotainment via Android Auto.
It was possible for the user to see the screen content of their phone on the car screen. But he also says that copy-protected content like Netflix obviously doesn’t work.
The rollout of the innovations still not announced
It is also unclear when Cast and Coolwalk will actually reach all users. But it was probably the first time that at least the new cool walk function had just appeared for users. You didn’t have to manipulate or edit the Android Auto app in any way.
Here are some more images of Android Auto’s upcoming UI redesign, codenamed “coolwalk”, shown off on Reddit by user RegionRat91.
— Mishaal Rahman (@MishaalRahman) January 30, 2022