Musk praised Halo Infinite: Build a warthog electric pickup?

Recently, Tesla boss Elon Musk tweeted praise for Halo Infinite, the content is very brief, only the Halo Infinite campaign is good. But Musk’s Twitter traffic is not covered. This short sentence has attracted countless replies, including the official Twitter of Halo.

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Among the plethora of replies, Xbox marketing manager Ellen Greenberg was the best at getting along. Ellen shouted to Elon on Twitter, saying now we just wait for the Warthog x electric pickup to link in reality.

However, these can only be played with each other at present. After all, the delivery time of the Cybertruck mass production version has not yet been determined. Rather than looking forward to the Warthog electric pickup, it’s more realistic to look forward to adding Tesla to Forza Horizon 5.

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