Former Witcher 3 and CP 2077 members set up studio to develop 3A Unreal 5 games

Led by CEO and game director Konrad Tomaskiewicz, the backbone of The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 studio Rebel Wolfs, which is currently working on a game based on Unreal, has announced the formation of Rebel Wolfs.

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The 3A plot of the 5 engine is a fantasy RPG game. This work is expected to land on PC and next-generation consoles.

A message on the official website wrote: We are veterans in the industry, but we are eager for more. We aspire to create a game world full of strong emotions and unique experiences that amaze players. More importantly, we want to share the game world. love. We know what players love because we are players.

The studio also stated that they want to do two things at the moment: 1. We want to create a revolutionary RPG game, and the accumulation of decades of experience has made us confident in our abilities and passionate about our work. 2. The team wants to create a vibrant studio united by a common goal, with the current priority being to develop the best RPG game in the world.

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