Elden Ring: Unscrupulous players try to cheat to farm runes, but are stopped

Many unscrupulous Elden Ring players have tried to farm runes automatically, putting themselves AFK (away from keyboard), but have been stopped by the other players, who have found various ways to make their trick ineffective.

In Elden Ring, there are various ways to farm runes quickly. The most famous, as well as hated, is the one shown in the video below by Idicus,

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Basically, it exploits PvP in a quite subtle way: the host must reach a certain ledge and then use a Furlcalling Finger Remedy with the Taunter’s Tongue to start the invasions, completing the work with the White Cipher Ring that summons defenders automatically.

The idea is to have the defenders kill the invaders while they look for the host, who is well hidden on his own. Or to make them go away out of boredom when they realize they can’t reach him. Of course, there are several players who now know the trick and have studied ways to punish cheaters.

The most used is the one suggested on Reddit by the user SwaxOnSwaxOff, which consists in summoning Torrent in multiplayer. Using the mount, reaching the host becomes child’s play. Another system is to use Malenia’s special attack, the Waterfowl Dance, to reach the ledge and slaughter the crafty one. Other players have also been successful using powerful AoE spells or ranged weapons such as the Jar Cannon.

Why is it right to punish this scum? The problem is not so much farming runes while AFK, but the fact that as the trick spread, Limgrave’s PvP was basically shattered, with many players starting to report that most of their invasions were against AFK players. . In short, another case that shows how gamers often do everything to ruin video games. Fortunately, there are other gamers who do not allow it.

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