WhatsApp will show the remaining time when sharing documents

The WhatsApp development team continues to work to optimize the document sharing mechanism, already present within the app for some time, by starting the release to all beta testers of a counter that shows the time remaining when sharing a document within a chat.

It is the second news regarding document sharing introduced in WhatsApp, after the test of sharing files with sizes up to 2 GB aimed at a small number of beta testers and which we told you about a couple of weeks ago.

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WhatsApp further optimizes document sharing

In the latest versions of WhatsApp Beta, the time remaining for the completion of the download or upload of a document received/sent within a chat has been entered.

As you can see from the following screenshot, captured when sending a document, the upload percentage and the (estimated) remaining time to completion are shown under the name of the file. of the operation.

This is a very useful feature for those users who share many documents within WhatsApp chats, and it could become (almost) essential when the possibility of sharing huge files was extended to everyone, that functionality that the team development is currently testing in Argentina.

The news is being released to all beta testers

The counter for the time remaining when sharing documents is being phased out for all users running WhatsApp Beta for Android , for iOS , and for Desktop PC.

The versions marked as compatible to receive this news are all versions of WhatsApp Beta released starting with the following: for Android, for iOS and 2.2209.3 for Windows 10 and Windows 11.

If you run a version of WhatsApp Beta among those listed above (or a later version to them) but you do not see the news, do not despair: precisely because it is a gradual release, it may take some time before the novelty is enabled on your account.

Given the large-scale release, we imagine that the new counter will soon reach stable versions of WhatsApp on all platforms.

How to update WhatsApp Beta on all platforms

Unfortunately, as regards the WhatsApp iOS client, the beta program via TestFlight has been closed for some time and therefore it is not possible to join: if you are already a user of the beta program, just check that you have installed the latest version of the application via the Apple App Store.

Instead, it is possible to test the news of WhatsApp in preview, both for Windows and Android.

  • On the Windows operating system, simply download the application through the Microsoft Store at the following link. If you have already installed it, just check for updates directly from the Microsoft store, following the path “Collection> Retrieve updates”.
  • On Android, however, you can proceed by subscribing to the Beta Program (you can find the page dedicated to the program by following this link ). If the Beta Program is temporarily full, you can proceed with the manual installation of the related APK files, which can be downloaded from the APK Mirror portal (whose dedicated page can be reached by following this link).

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