Samsung risks trouble for not including a charger with smartphones

Samsung’s choice not to include the wall charger in the packaging of its flagship smartphones is causing side effects for the company.

Consumer rights associations in Brazil are taking legal action against the South Korean giant which is not the only company to suffer these consequences, as Apple is also in a similar situation after it stops including wall chargers. starting with the iPhone 12.

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Samsung faces penalties for not including a charger with flagship smartphones

Both Samsung and Apple cite environmental reasons for their decisions, but many customers are unhappy, especially since the prices of the flagship devices haven’t changed much.

According to the Ministry of Justice in Brazil, more than 900 consumer rights departments could take legal action against Samsung and Apple. According to the report, the two big techs have already had to pay millionaire fines in Brazil in the past.

It is worth noting that in Brazil Samsung includes the wall charger in the package of less expensive smartphones than the flagship ones, such as the Samsung Galaxy A53 , which however does not include it in the other markets, perhaps to avoid possible retaliation by customers or associations.

Samsung stopped including wall chargers in 2021 with the Galaxy S21 flagship smartphone series.

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