As we all know that Telegram is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. Talking about the features of Telegram, you get premium features in Telegram which no other messaging app can provide and often WhatsApp copies some of the features of Telegram and presents it as its feature.
Every feature of Telegram has been available for free since it was launched but Telegram confirmed last year that they want to start making money in 2022 and this summer launched Telegram Premium.
Talking about Telegram Premium, you get lots of new features and many more innovations in it. Telegram didn’t just stop at Telegram Premium, it was just the beginning. Telegram is now testing another innovation that requires you to pay to view posts. For example, a sender might request $1 to view a particular post.
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Telegram is testing pay to view posts?!
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) October 27, 2022
If you are a Telegram user then you can take advantage of this feature in the near future. Although the feature is currently in the testing phase and it probably uses its own payment system, that too in the iOS app. First of all, Telegram will have to make sure it doesn’t take out of the App Store, but it should definitely adapt.
Talking about this feature, the PAY TO SEE A POST is not a new feature or a self-produced feature of Telegram, we have seen this feature on many big platforms like Twitter, YouTube and OnlyFans.