Google One Android app enables find your IP address and network

With this new update of the Google One Android app enables users to find their IP address. They continuously work to strengthen subscribers’ privacy and security.

For knowing your IP address of your you need to go to Google One for Android and click the VPN card in the Home feed to display a new Your network info section. After that, it repeats your VPN status and lists Your IP address and Your network.

When the user turned on the VPN Google One, both lines change to hidden. It may be possible IP address takes time for updating and if it’s not updated then refresh the page.

For checking our IP address there are more methods like going to the System Settings. When users are on the public network there these details are easily available through this feature and know about the connection.

Google One Android app

At last, this feature is currently available on version 1.179 of Google One for Android. It won’t live on the iOS app but on the Mac/ Windows VPN user.

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