Android 14 Beta 3 introduces enhanced lock screen shortcuts requiring long-press

Google’s latest release of the Android 14 beta brings notable improvements to the lock screen on Pixel devices, featuring new shortcuts that require users to perform a long-press action, similar to the functionality found on iPhones.

While lock screen shortcuts have been a part of the Android experience for some time, Android 14 takes it a step further by providing users with the ability to customize the displayed shortcuts. The update now offers selection choices for shortcuts on the left and right sides of the screen. Users can select from a range of options, including Google Home controls, Wallet, flashlight, mute, do not disturb, camera, and more.

However, the most intriguing aspect of this update is the way Google has altered the interaction with these shortcuts. Previously, a simple tap on the shortcuts was sufficient to activate them in Android 13 and earlier versions. In Android 14, however, users are now required to perform a long-press action. Furthermore, Google has incorporated delightful haptic feedback from the Pixel’s motors, lending a familiar iPhone-like experience. Apple’s lock screen shortcuts operate in a similar manner.

But is this change a negative development? Personally, I don’t think so. Given the expanded functionality and use cases of these shortcuts, requiring a long press offers the benefit of minimizing accidental activations. Moreover, the system effectively communicates the need for a long press, as a tap on the shortcut triggers a shaking animation accompanied by haptic feedback, along with an on-screen message instructing users to “Touch and hold.”

In conclusion, Android 14 Beta 3 introduces enhanced lock screen shortcuts that not only allow for customization but also require a long-press action for activation. Google’s implementation of this change, complete with haptic feedback, offers a similar experience to iPhone lock screen shortcuts. Ultimately, the decision to require a long press adds a layer of confirmation to prevent accidental activations, while providing clear visual cues to users through animations and on-screen instructions.

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