Google seems to intend to make the Play Store modular installation of Android applications

9to5Google found a Google official support page called “app install optimization” (application installation optimization), this feature is not online, but the website content shows that Google’s latest software release contains a reference to this feature.

This feature allows Google to understand which parts of the application are most useful for ordinary Android users by monitoring the user’s usage when installing the application for the first time. The page optimized for app installs says, “This information is combined with data from other users who use the app to find trends and determine which parts of the app are most important to each user.”

Taking YouTube as an example, the system may pass the evaluation and believe that most users use it to consume the video content inside, and few people use it to upload videos or live broadcast. In this case, the Google Play Store may give priority to downloading the elements required for video playback of the YouTube application, and only download other parts when the user actively needs it.

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The advantage of this is that in addition to saving device capacity for users, it can also speed up the installation of applications, and may even reduce the time required to start and run applications, and reduce the consumption of CPU, battery and other hardware.

Google also emphasizes that it will not use this to collect anyone’s personal information, and the collected data will not exceed the scope of the function. As a user, you can also choose not to provide data analysis through the Play Store settings menu, and exiting will not affect the user’s continued use of this feature.

Although Google has described a new feature on the web page that seems to be very easy to use, this feature is not currently online, so it is still unclear what its experience will be and how this feature will affect the Android ecosystem in the future. Although those Android users who use the flagship configuration may not notice such a difference, for those users who use low-end devices, at least from the description of Google, the benefits of this feature are quite obvious.

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