Microsoft said that through Windows 11, it hopes to allow developers to easily submit any application and game to the store, regardless of the program framework used by the program. Microsoft also plans to bring its own applications such as Teams, Office and Visual Studio to the redesigned store.
In addition to Microsoft applications, the Windows 11 store is also open to all third-party desktop (Win32) programs, such as Chrome and Firefox. In the past, Google tried to get its Chrome browser into the Windows store by publishing the installer of the application, not the application itself.
But at the time, Microsoft blocked Google’s actions for a number of reasons, most of which revolved around the Windows Store policy. Fortunately, Microsoft has relaxed these strict policies, and the store is now open to everyone. Therefore, companies like Mozilla and Adobe can now bring their desktop applications to the store.
A developer from Mozilla confirmed that the company is considering launching a new Microsoft Store version of Firefox. Mozilla senior performance software engineer Nick Alexander (Nick Alexander) said in response to a user question about the usability of Firefox in the new Windows Store.
Indeed! On this issue, there are many activities that will start quickly in just a few days, but I can’t link to most activities yet. Next week [July 5 and above] you should see what the public is doing.
In addition, a user told us that Firefox’s Microsoft Store product page briefly appeared in Google and Bing’s search results with the following description. In 2021, things look different. The Firefox browser is designed to bring you a more modern and calmer online experience on the go. Download now!
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It is worth noting that Microsoft has updated its store policy page to clarify that the web browser in the Windows store “must use the Chromium or Gecko open-source engine”. Previously, the Windows Store only allowed browsers with “corresponding HTML and JavaScript engines provided by the Windows platform”, that is, EdgeHTML. Basically, Microsoft has always insisted that store-based browsers cannot use their own engine, so if Mozilla releases Firefox in the old store, it will not be the original Firefox.
This situation is changing with the advent of Windows 11. The updated store policy clearly allows Firefox’s Gecko browser engine.
In terms of appearance and performance, we hope that the Microsoft Store version of the Firefox browser is the same as the version currently available on the company’s website. Due to the new policy, monthly updates of the store-based Firefox browser can be delivered directly through Mozilla’s own CDN service.
The refurbished Microsoft Store is currently scheduled to go live on Windows 11 and Windows 10 this fall.
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