Call of Duty 19 campaign leaked a lot of details

According to the latest report, the campaign of the next game in the Call of Duty series Call of Duty 19: Modern Warfare 2 will have a moral system. Twitter user ralphsvalve broke the news that the Call of Duty 19 campaign will be “cold and ruthless”, inspired by movies such as Border Killer, Drug Network and Old Nowhere. Foreign media VGC stated that this is consistent with what they have heard internally. This sequel developed by IW will focus on combating Colombian drug lords.

Ralphsvalve Leaked The Details:

  • This game will have a moral roulette, certain decisions players make will affect the moral roulette, a bit like the honor system of Red Dead Redemption 2, said to have a greater impact on the battle
  • Call of Duty 19: Modern Warfare 2 has real bloody and severed scenes in the battle: if an enemy combatant is shot, they will not die immediately, depending on where they are injured: they will beg for mercy, Insulting you, calling their mother’s name, hallucinations, moaning/gasps of death, convulsions. According to the caliber of the bullet, combatants will lose limbs-usually stay awake, twist and scream. They will also put pressure on the wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding.
  • There is no winner in this story may imply the vicious circle of the anti-drug war
  • Top weapon dynamics and improved interactivity, all details are only in the battle
  • In highly stressful scenes, your character will react accordingly. In an ambush scene, your patrol car is attacked by enemy fire. Your character is obviously frightened: struggling to insert the magazine, hands shaking…
  • Call of Duty 19 will also add weapon jam animation, players can recover the bullets wasted due to stuck bullets: in battle, the player’s weapons will be blocked, causing the operator to yank the bolts, thus consuming the wasted bullets; nevertheless. You can still retrieve the wasted bullets. This mechanism is limited to campaign and real mode
  • New function: bullets into the chamber and bullets out.

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