Microsoft Edge Beta 96 released

Today, Microsoft released Microsoft Edge Beta Build 96.0.1054.8. The Beta channel is considered the most stable preview version and only accepts well-tested features in the Dev and Canary channel versions. The last Beta version was released on September 28, and there have been more minor bug fixes since then. As the first version of the Beta channel upgraded to Chromium 96, it mainly brings the following new features and improvements.

Enable PWA application directly through the protocol link

Let the installed PWA handle links that use a specific protocol for a more comprehensive experience.

Help solve mathematical problems through Math Solver

Users can use Math Solver in Microsoft Edge to get help with a wide range of mathematical concepts. These concepts range from elementary arithmetic and quadratic equations to trigonometry and calculus. Math Solver allows you to take pictures of handwritten or printed math problems, and then provide an instant solution, and provide step-by-step instructions to help you learn how to reach the solution without help.

Math Solver is also equipped with a math keyboard, you can use it to easily input math problems. This keyboard eliminates the need to find the mathematical characters you need on a traditional keyboard. After solving your problem, Math Solver provides the option to continue learning, including quizzes, worksheets and video tutorials.

Scrolling improvements for PDF documents

Microsoft is improving scrolling performance. In order to provide a smoother scrolling experience in PDF documents. During the scrolling process, you will not see white bars appear.

Freely highlight on PDF files

Thanks to the addition of free-form highlighting, the viewing and marking experience of PDF has been improved. You can highlight the parts of the PDF file that you cannot access, as well as the scanned files.

Control Flow Execution Technology (CET)

Microsoft Edge will begin to support a safer browsing mode, using hardware-dependent control flow for the browser process. Provide control flow on this supported hardware: Intel 11th generation or AMD Zen 3. You can disable CET by configuring image file execution options (IFEO) using Group Policy.

A new warning dialog box for typesetting websites

The browser will now display a warning for some websites whose URLs look very similar to other websites. This user interface uses client-side heuristics to warn users of websites that may be deceiving popular websites. For more information, see What is typosquatting?

Improved the handover between IE mode and modern browsers

Starting with this version of Microsoft Edge, the navigation between Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer mode will include form data and additional HTTP headers. The recommended header information, post data, form data, and request method will be correctly forwarded between the two experiences. You can use the InternetExplorerIntegrationComplexNavDataTypes strategy to specify which data types should be included.

Cloud website list management in IE mode in the public preview version

Cloud website list management allows you to manage your IE-mode website list in the cloud, without the need for an internal infrastructure to host your organization’s website list. You can use the Microsoft Edge Site Lists experience in the Microsoft 365 Management Center to access cloud site list management functions. For more information, please refer to the article Cloud Site List Management in IE Mode (Public Preview).

Use WSUS to update Microsoft Edge WebWiew2

IT administrators who use WSUS to update Microsoft Edge will also be able to use WSUS to update Microsoft Edge WebView2. This feature provides an easier service process for offline devices for administrators.

WSUS update of the server

The WSUS and catalog updates of the Microsoft Edge channel (stable, beta, development) will now be applicable to Windows Server SKUs with Microsoft Edge installed, including Windows Server 2022. For more information on how to configure WSUS updates for Microsoft Edge, see Update Microsoft Edge.

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