Battlefield 2042 has only been developed for 15 months

The news broke that the Battlefield 2042 development cycle was only 15 months, and the next Battlefield series is a hero shooting confrontation type. The game completely went against the expected plan from production to release. The problematic design, various BUGs, and lack of later polish of the game extinguished the developer’s enthusiasm for the game.

Battlefield series insider Tom Henderson said the reasons for this situation, he mentioned that the work was originally produced as a battle royale game, EA rejected other proposals (including Rebel Company 3) and chose to follow the fashion trend. However, due to various reasons, we finally decided to follow the traditional “Battlefield” series gameplay. It is already August 2020, which means that the Battlefield 2042 we played has only been developed for about 15 months.

In fact, as early as March 2021, the development of the project was in trouble, but due to engine problems, other EA studios could not help. According to Henderson, the situation in Battlefield 2042 did not make EA aware of the danger of following the crowd.

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EA’s next Battlefield plans to make a team or individual confrontation mode, rather than the current battlefield. The planning of the sequel also mentioned that the game will be made in this direction. Regarding the Battlefield Universe, the game will mainly strengthen the expert system and make the depth similar to APEX heroes.

Finally, he also mentioned that the final design of the game has not yet been finalized and may change in the end. Obviously, EA is watching other successful shooting games, hoping to replicate their success. What do you think about this, please leave your thoughts in the comment section!

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