After the official desktop version was released, the 97 version of Microsoft Edge on Android has been launched on the Play Store. The new version introduces the “Password Monitor” (password monitor) function, which mainly scans whether your password has been leaked. The update also brings new notifications and weather conditions on a new tab page.
In the changelog it is written:
- Thanks for using Microsoft Edge! Here are some of the new features in this release:
- New features! Password Monitor keeps your online credentials safe and secure. You can check whether passwords saved in your browser have been compromised and retrieve them through our database of known compromised credentials
- With our new notifications, you’ll never miss breaking news, game scores, and even keep tabs on stock price changes.
- Stay on top of the weather with a new tab page
- Try our long scrolling screenshots in your browser to more easily share the web content you discover with others
- Browser games are now also available on mobile devices. Enter edge://surf and play now
- We also made some general bug fixes and performance improvements
But Password Monitor doesn’t work out of the box yet, and you can still enable it manually to check if your passwords have been compromised.
Enable Password Monitoring in Microsoft Edge for Android
- Visit edge://flags
- Type and search for “monitor”, and in the results that appear, search for “Edge Android password monitor”.
- In the drop-down menu, select “Enabled” and restart the browser.
Find cracked passwords with Password Monitor
- Start Edge
- Tap the menu icon and select “Settings”
- Click on the profile name under the account
- Choose a password
- Click on Password Monitoring and select the Scan Now button.
Edge’s Password Monitor will check for cracked passwords by comparing them against a database in the cloud, and display them on your screen if there are any, and you can change those affected passwords.