Some developers at Ubisoft and Sony have voiced strong criticism of Elden Ring, also attacking reviewers of the game at the same time. The objects of their grievances are the user experience, performance, especially on PC and the design of the quests.
To open the dance was the UX Director of Ubisoft, ex- Battlefield 2042, Ahmed Salama, who has the Twitter profile closed. According to him, Elden Ring’s Metacritic 97 is proof that game critics don’t care about user experience.
The first to answer him was Rebecca Fernandez O’Shea of Nixxes Software, a Sony first-party studio, who added that they are also disinterested in PC graphics, stability and performance.
Note that Nixxes specializes in PC ports. The duo was joined by Blake Rebouche, the senior quest designer of Horizon Forbidden West, who has been carrying the load for the nineties, stating that he doesn’t even care about the.
In short, theirs seem to be mainly criticisms towards the Elden Ring reviewers, but in fact, they are also towards the game, which would be lacking in the aspects indicated. Salama then added that Elden Ring’s user experience is so careless, it made him imagine FromSoftware developers smoking at their desks and using CRT monitors.
Honestly, to see developers criticize the game of the moment, even in a very spurious way, seems quite sad as a thing. Evidently, if so many people are finding Elden Ring exceptional it is because the work as a whole goes beyond the individual elements, which can be more or less cured. Every now and then someone should remember that we are talking about a medium with its own aesthetic value, not just a set of business tasks to check or not.