Elden Ring, the best graphics settings on PC

The arrival of Elden Ring has created enthusiasm among fans of Souls-like and open worlds, but also a lot of criticism among users who certainly expected a technically advanced production, not only from a visual point of view, but also and above all from the structural one, remaining however burned by numerous problems, which do not totally ruin the gaming experience, but certainly do not fully enhance it.

So, as per tradition, Elden Ring presented itself with some critical issues that will certainly be resolved over time, both on console and on PC. On the latter platform, however, it is possible to play a little with the settings to be able to find the right balance and play at least smoothly (at least until new updates arrive).

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Over the next few days, an article dedicated to the best PC configurations to play Elden Ring will arrive, today, however, we will limit ourselves to recommending useful settings to approach the work of Hidetaka Miyazaki with more tranquility.

Elden Ring, the best graphics settings on PC

Our test banquet

For our tests we used the following banquet, alternating the graphics card from time to time. The test took place considering the swamp area at the beginning of the game, fighting the dragon, and its nearby enemies, for about ten minutes per test.

  • CPU: I9-9900K
  • RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR5 5200 Mhz 32GB
  • SSD: Sabrent Rocket 4.0 1TB

Warning: before purchasing any component recommended in this article, make sure it is compatible with your configuration. For example, the CPU must have a socket corresponding to that of the motherboard, while the video card or GPU, if you prefer, must be sufficiently powered by the power supply and, of course, have a suitable size to enter your home. These are just some non-exhaustive examples of the features to consider before embarking on any purchase.

Elden Ring is a video game that requires a good dose of reflexes and fast movements, for this reason, all the settings you will read from here on have been designed to guarantee a framerate that was as close as possible to 60 FPS and that maintained a good solidity. on the long journey.

We have considered some Nvidia graphics cards to give you a clear idea of ​​the settings to change within the game, but consider that after a quick analysis, we found that the main items to keep an eye on are: textures, SSAO, Shadows, Shaders and Grass. By playing a little on these settings and modifying the others, it is possible to guarantee a good aesthetic, managing to guarantee a more than satisfactory level of gameplay.


GTX 1650

The GTX 1650 is a basic video game card without too many frills, so expecting top performance would be decidedly pretentious. However, by playing around with the settings a bit we managed to guarantee 60 FPS at 1920×1080 resolution, resulting in the 99th percentile of 56 FPS.

Texture Med
Shadows Min
Shader Min
Grass Med
All other settings Med – Min

GTX 1070

With a GTX 1070 things change dramatically, allowing us to get solid and quality gameplay at 60FPS in Full HD. This card allows you, in short, to be able to play video games at 1920 × 1080 resolution without compromise, while maintaining 60 FPS practically all the time.

Texture Maximum
SSAO Maximum
Shadows Maximum
Shader Maximum
Grass Maximum
All other settings Maximum


GTX 1070

If you are playing with a GTX 1070 you might think you are playing in 1440p at 60 FPS, albeit with some trade-offs in terms of visual fidelity. Also in this case, by making evaluations and changes on the settings, you should be able to obtain a fluidity very close to 60 FPS. Our 99th percentile found was 53 FPS.

Texture Med
Shadows Med
Shader Max
Grass Max
All other settings Med – Max

RTX 2070

Even though the RTX 2070 comes very close to it, not even it manages to effectively guarantee 60 FPS at all maximum settings in 1440p, which is why we had to intervene to try to reach 54 FPS in the 99th percentile.

Texture Maximum
Shadows Max
Shader Max
Grass Max
All other settings Max – Maximum

RTX 2080 and RTX 3060

Both the RTX 2080 and the RTX 3060 guarantee 1440p gaming without any kind of compromise, successfully reaching 60 FPS and guaranteeing 55 FPS in the 99th percentile. A good result, which as in all other cases can potentially be improved with dedicated updates, aimed at promoting additional optimization to the game.

Texture Maximum
SSAO Maximum
Shadows Maximum
Shader Maximum
Grass Maximum
All other settings Maximum


RTX 2070

The RTX 2070 does not allow you to play at 60 FPS in 4K, even if everything is set to a minimum. With our tests, we managed to get 44 FPS in the 99th percentile, which is still an acceptable result, provided it’s not a problem for you to play video games with a visual quality that is not exceptional.

Texture Min
Shadows Min
Shader Min
Grass Min
All other settings Min – Med

RTX 2080

Turning up a bit, the RTX 2080 deliver 51 FPS in the 99th percentile, but at medium settings. If you decide to go down with minimum settings, the 60 FPS are definitely guaranteed.

Texture Med
Shadows Min
Shader Med
Grass Med
All other settings Med

RTX 3060

The RTX 3060 does not go very far from the RTX 2080 in terms of performance, consequently if you have this card you will simply have to set the same settings seen above with the RTX 2080, if you want to play in 4K, of course.

Texture Med
Shadows Min
Shader Med
Grass Med
All other settings Med

RTX 3070

The RTX 3070 is the minimum card to be able to play at 60 FPS in 4K with all settings at maximum. From our surveys we have found that the 99th percentile is around 54 FPS, which considering the visual quality can be at least a satisfactory result, obviously waiting for the patch that can improve the game in its optimization.

Texture Maximum
SSAO Maximum
Shadows Maximum
Shader Maximum
Grass Maximum
All other settings Maximum

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