Final Fantasy players spend 10 years to win all the trophies of the game series

On November 1, 2010, Talan Kirk, nicknamed Rebourne07 on Reddit and PSN, unlocked his first trophy in Final Fantasy XIII on PS3. On August 8, 2021, he unlocked the last trophy added to the Final Fantasy VII Remake Transitional Edition DLC, making him the only person in the world to collect all the PSN trophies in all Final Fantasy games.

In a Reddit post two years ago, Rebourne07 celebrated being one of only two people in the world to win all the Final Fantasy trophies and shared this honor with a player named SkullRobot. Since that post, SE has released a number of Final Fantasy games on PS4, including Final Fantasy VIII Remake, Final Fantasy VII Remake, and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remake.

Although these games are relatively easy to get for other trophy hunters, there are also PS5 versions of Final Fantasy VII Remake and MMO: Final Fantasy XIV. Each version has its own set of trophies. When talking about his trophy achievement, Rebourne07 said that before the release of Final Fantasy XIV on PS5 earlier this year, 12 to 15 players in North America had achieved all the achievements of Final Fantasy games.

Since the launch of the PS5 version, only 10 players have obtained all the achievements in the game. Rebourne07’s closest competitor is a gamer named DoctorTaco, who is still far from reaching the pinnacle of the two achievements of Final Fantasy XIV PS5.

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