Blizzard developers have renamed a mission character in World of Warcraft, and the homophobic remarks made by the original source of the reality have been exposed again. This character was originally called Gorge the Corpsegrinder, the name is based on the American Cannibal Corpse band singer George’corpgrinder’ Fisher. In the game, you can meet him in the northern tundra area. This NPC is an orc commander of the tribe camp, and he especially dislikes night elves and goblins.
However, as Metal Hammer discovered, the character has been renamed Annihilator Grek’lor because of Fisher’s homophobic remarks. In an interview in 2007, Fisher referred to the alliance as the gay alliance and the rival faction of the tribe as the TMD emotional bastard.
This interview appeared at Blizzard’s annual fan meeting in 2011, which prompted the developer’s co-founder and then president, Michael Moheim, to issue an apology. However, the name of the game character has been retained until now. The newly named name is now available on the public test server of “World of Warcraft” and is expected to be implemented soon.
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Although neither Fisher nor Blizzard has publicly commented on this change, the name change is likely to be part of the parent company Activision Blizzard’s cleanup of the game content. This is in response to allegations of sexual harassment in his studio and a lawsuit filed by the California Department of Fair Housing and Employment.
In recent months, World of Warcraft has changed a lot of game content, including deleting the developer’s name from the game, deleting flirting jokes and hints, and even deleting sexually suggestive dialogues.