In March, media reports state that well-known video streaming platforms were preparing new measures to crack down on account sharing. Officials claim that this is to protect the rights and interests of account holders, but the system will still require users to send verification codes from bound emails/ SMS when they are suspected of not using their own account.
Although there was no major disturbance at the time, the recent news from the Italian SmartWorld website made it clear that Netflix has not given up on cracking down on account sharing. Family rights and interests shared with family members are still vulnerable to accidental injury by Netflix’s anti-account sharing monitoring system.
For the sake of commercial interests, it is not difficult for us to guess what Netflix is really thinking. On the one hand, there are reports that the company loses USD 9 billion every year due to extensive account sharing. But on the other hand, if you can’t share your account, many users who occasionally visit may give up the Netflix subscription service.
It remains to be seen whether this policy will come back on a large scale and when it will expand to the unexpected market in Italy. I hope this fast-growing company can fully realize what consumers are most concerned about, especially when there are already a large number of competitors on the market.