Samsung again foregoes an important update function

The seamless updates for Android are a win for users on several levels. Manufacturers like Samsung still don’t care. Some time ago, Google introduced a handy update function that allows Android updates to be installed more securely and quickly.

Most of the installation happens in the background. The necessary reboot is short-lived, unlike the classic way of system updates. One benefit is that the user can be reached again very quickly.

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Another advantage is given by multiple partitions (A/B). If the update goes wrong, the device can simply switch to the previous partition and your device will start in the original state.

Google calls these “seamless updates”, but some Android manufacturers continue to do without them. Samsung is one of them, probably also with the new Galaxy S22 smartphones.

Although the new Samsung smartphones can install new updates faster than ever, the availability of seamless updates would be a great win for users. Google still doesn’t seem to require the use of this feature for new devices. Samsung has therefore dispensed with the better update system in the sixth year since its introduction.

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