You probably shouldn’t be buying or selling Elden Ring runes on eBay, but on eBay, that’s exactly what’s happening. Do a quick search on eBay and you’ll find dozens of entries selling millions of runes, anywhere from $10 to $50. Some even offered hundreds of millions of runes for a few hundred dollars. Currently, it looks like the volume has reached the hundreds.
Given that it’s impossible for players to directly transfer runes (the currency needed to level up) from one account to another, these grey market transactions are performed like a classic MMO item exchange. The seller sets a time and place, summons the buyer to enter their game as a partner, then drops the traded amount of runes on the ground, and when the buyer picks it up, the two sides are separated.
PC Gamer pointed out that although players can buy runes like this, it is not a good idea. On the one hand, players may experience deception, and on the other, buying or selling items for real money violates the Elden Ring Terms of Service. Players who engage in these “illegal transactions” risk having FromSoftware remotely clear their rune wallets, suspend their accounts, or even get banned.
Furthermore, the method used by these eBay sellers to generate runes is not right. They may have exploited a co-op item duplication bug that has been discovered since Dark Souls 3. If you’re determined to get your power up to 99, there’s a smarter way than paying random $15 on eBay (if you’re playing on PC, cheats are already available, as long as you stay offline).