Bandai Namco has released a new Elden Ring video dedicated entirely to exploration, probably to help a little bit of all those players lost to the Interregnum. This is a video of about one minute, which explains the basics of the system, then the use of the map, that of the checkpoints for fast travel, that of the indicators for orientation and Torrente, the ancestral steed on which it is worth fighting, but which as a means of transport has no equal.
Of course, everything is seasoned with different gameplay sequences, which never hurt. Find the video at the head of the news. It is worth mentioning that Elden Ring is the game of the moment, engaging millions of players around the world thanks to its charm and difficulty. The latter is so high that many can’t even get past the first boss.
For the rest we also remember that Elden Ring is available for PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S, PS4 and PS5.