Google Chrome browser v101 stable release

According to Android Police reported that after Android 13 Beta 1, Google also released Chrome browser 101 today. Compared to last month’s Chrome 100 milestone, the Chrome 101 update still needs to be mined.

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Add a comment to the saved password on the desktop

Chrome 101 has emerged as a new form of experimentation for a password manager built into desktop browsers. When you enable chrome://flags/#password-notes identity and restart the browser, you can choose to add comments to your saved passwords. Users can note other contexts or details, such as when the password was changed, when the account was created, or the answer to a security question.

The tag group is saved

Tag groups are a neat productivity feature that helps you separate different sites from each other while researching a topic or shopping, but so far, you can’t save just one group. Chrome 101 is looking to change that with the new flag currently being tested: chrome://flags/#tab-groups-save. Once activated, you can save the currently open tag group to the bookmarks bar, providing quick access without leaving the site open and taking up valuable memory.


Chrome is redesigning the download workflow to better fit other browsers. Chrome doesn’t dump downloaded files in the bottom bar but instead hides them neatly in the menu on the right side of the address bar in the future. You can now see the progress of individual downloads, and you can right-click items to do more, such as opening them or aborting downloads. It’s all still hidden behind the chrome://flags/#download-bubble logo, so it’s still under development.

Other updates

Chrome 101 comes with an option to let websites forget about USB devices they previously connected. This provides a remedy for a long list of old, no longer-relevant devices clogging workflows. The website also has a new option to generate window heights to optimize the loading algorithm. Developers can also take advantage of new priority hints, which enable them to view site resources that users’ browsers are currently prioritizing. This gives you more control over which parts are loaded in what order.

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